宣布執行ETO的甜瓜(Carmelo Anthony)將於今夏成為自由球員,而他也於週三造訪了自由球員之旅的第一站 - 芝加哥公牛。當天他與公牛教練Tom Thibodeau、年度最佳防守球員諾亞(Joakim Noah)以及球隊高層會面,United Center也隨處可見歡迎甜瓜的訊息。
宣布執行ETO的甜瓜(Carmelo Anthony)將於今夏成為自由球員,而他也於週三造訪了自由球員之旅的第一站 - 芝加哥公牛。當天他與公牛教練Tom Thibodeau、年度最佳防守球員諾亞(Joakim Noah)以及球隊高層會面,United Center也隨處可見歡迎甜瓜的訊息。
轉職達拉斯航空的VC(Vince Carter)今日以一發長程導彈幫助小牛於第三戰決殺馬刺,而受訪時他說出了一個日期: "5月20號,第七戰。我不介意去處理致勝球,失手後也不會怯於面對這個事實。我想就是這樣的心態幫助了我。"
當老將Mike Dunleavy於第三戰的上半場攻下了16分後,Bradley Beal於中場受訪時表示自己不會再讓他得分了。不過終場Mike Dunleavy攻下了個人生涯季後賽新高的35分,也以8記三分球刷新隊史季後賽單場三分球的紀錄並拯救了公牛: "我們在中場休息的時候是不會看電視的,所以基本上這些話對比賽並沒有什麼影響。"
籃網將於1月10號在主場Barclays Center迎戰熱火時穿著繡有綽號的球衣上場。球迷將能夠採購附有綽號的球衣跟T恤,販賣部的餐飲名稱會依據綽號進行更改,餐廳裡的桌子也會改成以不同的球員綽號來命名。
WASHINGTON -- Cavs star LeBron James visited the White House this afternoon in an appearance that was off the public schedule.
"NO LESS THAN :00.3 must expire on the game clock when a player secures possession of an inbounds pass and then attempts a field goal. If less than :00.3 expires in such a situation, the timer will be instructed to deduct AT LEAST :00.3 from the game clock. If less than :00.3 remain on the game clock when this situation occurs, the period is over, and the field goal attempt will be disallowed immediately whether successful or unsuccessful."
In his final interview of the season, Gregg Popovich talked about hard offseasons. This offseason, he suggested, would be difficult because the team will say goodbye to some of its role players. Telling the Robert Horrys of the world that it’s time to part is never easy. But then Pop said something else that struck me as telling. He said there would come a time when the Spurs would have to replace a star with a star. He was quick to add that the time had not yet come, but gave an impression that it was not too far off.