"NO LESS THAN :00.3 must expire on the game clock when a player secures possession of an inbounds pass and then attempts a field goal. If less than :00.3 expires in such a situation, the timer will be instructed to deduct AT LEAST :00.3 from the game clock. If less than :00.3 remain on the game clock when this situation occurs, the period is over, and the field goal attempt will be disallowed immediately whether successful or unsuccessful."
這個規則起因於1990年1月15號尼克對上公牛的比賽,在比賽只剩下0.1秒的情況下Trent Tucker接獲了界外的發球並投進了逆轉的三分彈...這場比賽後聯盟就制定了這條Trent Tucker Rule,但若是在沒有持球的情況下於0.3秒內將球撥進那還是照算的,近年來最經典的莫屬華人之光李大衛(David Lee)奇蹟似的絕殺(包含Trent Tucker絕殺片段):
除此之外還有最為人津津樂道的漁夫(Derek Fisher)絕殺: