

   Nuggets star Carmelo Anthony says he wishes George Karl would have kept his insubordination a secret but promises next time his coach tries to sub for him, he'll sprint right to the bench like a kid lunging for an empty seat at musical chairs.


   "I'm going to run. I'm going to run to the bench. I'm going to run hard to the bench," Anthony pledged Wednesday after practicing with the team for the first time since his one-game suspension for refusing to come out of Denver's game at Indiana on Sunday night.

  甜瓜在星期三參加了被禁賽一場後的首度練球。禁賽起因於星期天晚上對金牌強隊殺手溜馬的比賽中,甜瓜頭殼壞去不想要拿到限量的強隊證明,於是慎重的否決了教練要將他換下場的提議。 "跑跑跑,向前跑,奔向板凳和飲料~" 甜瓜一面跳著新學的舞步,一面保證這將會是他以後最喜歡做的事情。

   Anthony, who had been mired in a shooting funk, had just hit a couple of shots late in the third quarter against the Pacers and said he felt his hot hand merited his staying in the game, so he refused to be subbed for Linas Kleiza.


   Karl was incredulous.


   "There was not much anger there. It was more of a shock when it happened," Karl said Wednesday. "We sat down and decided that was kind of the mantra of our season, to be more focused, more disciplined, more professional.

    "當時我的反應並不如波許般[超幹]如此激烈,頂多是到[震驚]的程度。" 卡組長說道。"在季初我們就訂好了幫規: 要更專注、更專業、更有紀律。所以那時我當下的OS是:說好的紀律呢?"

   "And that crossed the line."


   So, after conferring with the team's brain trust, Karl suspended Anthony for the Nuggets' game Tuesday night at Detroit.


   Anthony watched the Pistons' 100-95 win from the team hotel and rejoined his teammates afterward for the flight home, then met with Karl before Wednesday's workout.


  "It was just me wanting to be in there, wanting to play, wanting to finish that run that we just had," Anthony explained in his first public comments about the incident. "... If I was wrong, I was wrong. I don't think I can be wrong for wanting to win a basketball game and trying to help my team win."

  "我當時留在場上只有一個原因: 教練,我想打籃球阿!" 甜瓜在對於此事件的首度公開評論中解釋道。 "我只是想打球也有錯嗎? 人家三井翹了兩年練球都可以了,我只是想要留在場上幫助球隊贏球而已。這樣是錯在哪了? 五樓你說說看!"

   Karl said there was a thin line between passionate play and insubordination and his star player crossed it by crossing the coach.


   "I didn't want to come out," Anthony said. "If you look at it that deeply, then yeah, I maybe was wrong. I should have come out of the game, but if you're a basketball player, you know how you feel when you get something going finally and you're about to sit, your competitiveness all comes out."

  "我當時真的很不想要下場。" 甜瓜說道。 "好啦如果你們那麼靠盃要用放大鏡來檢視我的行為,那麼我承認我當時的確是有那麼一咪咪錯。我應該再更瀟灑的一點下場。但假使你是個受過專業訓練的球員,當你手風順卻又即將要下去坐板凳的時候,這種感覺很差且會激發你體內的獸性。這種感覺很難形容,不過我當時內心是出現了這樣的畫面:

(真‧雜魚 最強地球人克林死於弗力札之手)
悟空: 弗力札,我真的生氣了阿阿阿阿阿 !!!!!
..那美克星爆炸了 所有正道死於非命...

   What Karl wanted was for Anthony to come out.


   "I think it was a combination of different feelings, he wasn't playing very well and he finally made some shots and his reaction was overboard," Karl said.

 "他當時的心情想必是很複雜的。他終於突破場上的瓶頸並開始進球了。但你要知道,不是學會了龜派氣功,克林就不會被秒殺,他當時是有點激動。" 卡組長說道。

   "And I get to play policeman."


   Anthony said he should have gotten off with a warning.


   "Well, I mean, when somebody comes to sub you out, I guess you're supposed to go out. Like I said, it was one of those things where I felt like I wanted to stay in the game and make a run and try to win that game," Anthony said.

 "是沒錯啦,偶爾也要下場休息一下給別人表現的機會。但你要知道,我是無可取代的,不像阿聯一樣有替身。我也絕對不是在馬後炮,那場比賽若我還在場上,新聞標題一定是: [陸聞] 貌似阿聯附身 甜瓜男孩率金塊痛宰步行者。"

  "In my eyes I thought the situation was minute," he added. "Nobody knew what happened. ... Some of my teammates didn't even know what happened. The only people who knew was me, George and the person that was coming to sub me in."

  甜瓜補充道 "我跟教練說這件事只有你知道,我知道跟獨眼龍Kleiza知道而已。根本就是件雞毛蒜皮的小事。"

  That's not the point, Karl said.


   To understand Karl's reaction, it helps to remember that he found himself in a somewhat similar situation in Milwaukee several years ago when he was coaching the Bucks and Tim Thomas refused to return to the court in the final minute of a blowout at Denver.

   這類的事情是卡組長心中永遠的痛,因為幾年前他掌公鹿隊兵符時,在對丹佛的比賽中Tim Thomas也曾經在第四節拒絕他的調度而乖乖下場。由此可見這可能不是球員或教練的問題,因為關鍵字是: "丹"佛。

  Karl wanted to suspend Thomas, but team owner Herb Kohl wouldn't go along with it, reasoning that nobody had seen him refusing Karl's instructions, so it was best to keep a lid on it. Karl lost that argument and his relationship with both Thomas and Kohl cooled after that.


  This time, the Nuggets backed Karl 100 percent, and Karl made his point loud and clear.

  但這次情況不同,金塊隊的高層十分流行的以一首歌表明了他們對卡組長的態度:"PartyBoy之道 兄弟為你撐腰 Boom~ Yeah~ Boom~ Let's get this party crazy!萬一你又出包 有我幫你罩Boom~ Yeah~ Boom~ Let Karl be the party boy!"

   "As an organization, we talked about it and we had to ... come down in a strong way," Karl said.


   "I'm not a big believer in suspensions. I don't necessarily like them. I think they're probably more uncomfortable to me than anybody," Karl said. "But I think there's certain situations where they are necessary."


  Interestingly, Anthony never apologized for his actions, either in his chat with the media or his 20-minute meeting with Karl.


  "I think there was just a moving on kind of conversation," Karl said. "I don't  know if the word 'apology' was there, but I think we all feel that we're in a good place. We're excited about the challenge and it's best right now to forget about it and move on."

  "雖然我沒有從甜瓜口中套出道歉兩個字,但是經過這次談話後我們已經達成共識。我想對他說的就是: 再出發,再出發吧!你是阮ㄟ第一名!"

   Anthony, who will return to action Thursday night against Portland, and Karl both said there was no rift between them.


   "I never had any words with George. We never had an argument. It was just, you know, he took a stance on what happened and the result was a suspension," Anthony said.

  甜瓜說道 "我從來沒有為這件事向教練提過隻字片語。(那meeting怎麼搞的?傳紙條還是用手語?) 我們從來沒吵過架。他只是表明了他的立場,而下場就是我被禁賽這樣。

   And he said he understands Karl's position.


 "He's got to do his job. He's got to coach. We've got to play. I mean, at all times during the 82-game season, everybody's not going to always agree, and that was just one of them times I didn't agree," Anthony said. "I didn't want to come out of the game."


  Anthony said it won't happen again, and Karl said he believes him.


 "I was shocked it happened at all," Karl said. "So, I'm probably very convinced that it won't happen again."

  "我在當下的(ㄍㄢˋ)而(ㄋㄧˇ)且(ㄌㄠˇ)確(ㄇㄚˇ)有被驚嚇到。" 卡組長說。"不過我相信他,不讓他領便當好有機會繼續破格。"



要有大略的翻譯又要塞梗其實我一篇都要花上很久的時間 囧

--- 2009年3月5號,發表於ptt NBA板

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